Protected: Dragon Song Protected: Hungry Protected: Ice Drag Protected: Whispers Series Protected: Eternally Yours Series Protected: Something More Series

Ignore the haters and keep writing…

Five years ago I suffered a breakdown at a parent-teacher conference. I bawled in front of my little girl’s teachers, counselors, and the principal. Why? Not because of anything my preschooler or the teachers had done, but because I thought I was dying. My health had been declining rapidly over the past year. I spent most of my days sleeping, and when I wasn’t asleep, I suffered from chronic pain and depression. My body was covered in bruises and my hair was falling out in clumps. My...

Heroes and Villains blog hop

Welcome to my stop on the Heroes and Villains blog hop. Read below to see how you can win a free signed copy of my YA fantasy, Curse of the Ice Dragon. A few months ago I talked about my villain, Madhea, an evil goddess from Curse of the Ice Dragon.  You can read about Madhea here. For this blog post, I wanted to focus on one of the heroes in my book, Alec. Though he’s plagued with illness and not able to hunt or defend himself like his brother, The Mighty Hunter, Marcus, Alec is a hero...

Self-Esteem Part III – Bullies

It all started when I learned to walk. Our next-door neighbor had a baby girl, Aimee, who was also my age. Our moms basically did everything together, from grocery shopping, to play-time, we practically lived at each other’s houses. Our big sisters were best friends. It only made sense that Aimee and I were friends as well. From toddler time to elementary school, Aimee and I were inseparable. Aimee was also a bully. From a very young age, I learned to follow her orders. If she wanted...

Self-esteem part II – Your differences are what make you beautiful

I’ve never thought idol worship was healthy for young girls. That’s why when the Hanna Montana craze spread throughout the country, I discouraged my daughter from following the millions of other young girls. Why? Because I think a girl needs to focus on feeling good about herself as an individual, not try to follow in the footsteps of another.  Why do you want to wear a Hanna wig and pretend to be her when you can take pride in being yourself? Recently, though, Miley Cyrus did something...

Self-Esteem Part One: You Never Have to Settle

When I was fourteen, my morning wake-up call was the sound of my dad screaming obscenities at my mom. His tirades were usually about money and the family business. After a while, the verbal abuse caused me to resent and disrespect my dad. It got so out of hand that finally one morning I went downstairs and yelled back. This was a bold move because my dad had a bit of a temper, but he stopped yelling at her for at least a few days afterwards. Though the screaming didn’t start until my...