Protected: Dragon Song Protected: Hungry Protected: Ice Drag Protected: Whispers Series Protected: Eternally Yours Series Protected: Something More Series

Confessions of a Cover Artist – Karri Klawiter

Some folks have asked me why I host a column where I basically promote my competition. First off, I know that as an artist, I can learn a lot from other artists by admiring their covers. Second, I think artists, like authors, should support one another. Third, I don’t see other artists as competition, especially as my primary focus has to be writing and I am not taking on new cover clients. When I put the call out on Kindleboards, author Melanie Ray recommended Karri for a Confessions...

Confessions of a Cover Artist – Dafeenah Jameel

As part of an ongoing series, Confessions of a Cover Artist, every Friday, I’ll introduce readers to new cover artists whom I feel make exceptional covers. These artists must come highly recommended by their clients, so artists, please don’t apply to be featured. If you find an awesome artist, hold onto her/him. An artist who understands what the client needs is a true gem and can keep continuity with the author’s future books. Dafeenah Jameel has been highly praised by my friend and...

Confessions of a Cover Artist – Christine DeMaio-Rice As part of an ongoing series, Confessions of a Cover Artist, every Friday, I’ll introduce readers to new cover artists whom I feel make exceptional covers. These artists must come highly recommended by their clients, so artists, please don’t apply to be featured. If you find an awesome artist, hold onto her/him. An artist who understands what the client needs is a true gem and can keep continuity with the author’s future books.  I love the way...

Confessions of a Cover Artist- Athanasios Galanis

So some of you may know that in addition to writing books, I’m also a cover artist for a publishing house and I freelance for indie authors as well. You can click HERE to see some samples of my work. Working with so many indies, and now being an indie myself, I’ve seen some really impressive covers out there. I’ve also seen some not-so-impressive covers. Sorry. Many indies who say they can’t afford to pay an artist end up designing the cover themselves, despite no...

I’m a McNally fantasy FAN GIRL!

Download your FREE copy of M. Edward McNally’s first book in The Norothian Cycle, The Sable City, on Kindle. Free on iTunes, too! A few months ago I reluctantly started reading a fantasy saga by M. Edward McNally. Reluctantly, because though I’d heard from so many readers that his books were awesome, I also heard they were a bit lengthy, as is any well-written fantasy where extensive world-building is required. Since my day job of designing book covers was taking up so much of my...